You'll find a list of all my blog posts in the blog archive.
10 years later
My site was first mentioned on the 'net 10 years ago.
That's the earliest mention I could find: Larry London mentioned the site in his Aug 06, 1995 herbal resources list. He's the one who asked the ibiblio (then admins to give me an account on their servers.
I also dug for the first time I mention my site, in my .sig or otherwise: that's a few weeks later, in a .sig, on the medicinal herblist. I'm bashful, I am.
Be that as it may, now is the time to break out the champagne. And I don't want any of the cheap stuff, I want the real thing. No bubbles up the nose...
Like, 10 years! Woot.
And I've appreciated you all
And I've appreciated you all along the way; like a favorite radio program, always there. Agreed with you for the most part.
Even though I have many, many hundreds of webpages floating about the internet advocating for Alternative health and herbal medicine I consider my one little mention in your FAQ as one of my more valued quips. Thanks for that.
Awww. *blush*
Awww. *blush*