041-044 Vervein, Ox-Eye-Daisy, Pimpernel, Pansies.
41. Vervein. Verbena & Verbenaca.
1. It grows to be two Foot high, the Stalks are a purplish Brown, the Leaves a willow Green, and the Flowers pale Purple.
2. It grows in Highways, near Towns & Villages, flowring in Iuly.
3. The Whole Herb is used, being accounted cephalic, good against Diseases arising from Cold and phlegmatic Causes. Some commend it to open Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, help the Jaundice and Gout. Outwardly it is esteem'd vulnerary, good for sore watery inflamed Eyes.
4. Greek, Περιστερεών. Latin, Verbenaca supina. Spanish, Berbena. Italian, Verminacola. French, Vervaine masse. German, Eisencraut. Dutch, Yserkruyd.
42. Ox-Eye-Daisy, the Great Daisy. Bellis major.
1. The Stalks grow more than a Foot high, the Leaves are a deep grass Green, & the Flowers white with a yellow Thrum in the middle.
2. It grows in Pasture Grounds, and flowers in Iune.
3. The Flowers of this Daisy are esteem'd balsamic, good for all Disorders of the Breast and Lungs, as Coughs, shortness of Breath, Pleurisies, Consumptions and Wasting of the Flesh. They are frequently put into Apozems and Decoctions for inward Bruises, Wounds, and Ruptures.
4. Greek, Βάφθαλμον. Latin, Bellis major. Spanish, Buphthalmo. Italian, Occhio di Bue. French, Oiel de Beuf. German, Rinds Aug. Dutch, Groote Maagdelieyen.
43. Pimpernel or Male Pimpernel. Anagallis terrestris mas.
1. It grows to be a Foot high, the Leaves are grass Green and the Flowers scarlet.
2. It grows in corn Fields flowring in May and Iune.
3. This Plant is moderatly warm & dry with a little stipticity, and by some is accounted a good vulnerary. The Juice taken inwardly, (by it self, or mix'd with Cow's Milk) is good in Consumptions and Distempers of the Lungs. - It is often put in Cordial Waters as alexipharmic, & good against malignant Distempers. Some Writers of Note have recommended it in Cases of Lunacy and Dilerious Fevers. - Matthiolus commends ye Juice, for ye Tooth-Ach; snuffed up the Nostril on that Side where the Pain does not lie.
4. Greek, Αναγαλλίς. Latin, Anagallis mas. Spanish, Muruges. Italian, Anagallo. French, Mouron. German, Gauch heil. Dutch, Bastard Muur.
44. Pansies or Hearts-Ease. Viola tricolor. Jaccea. Flos Trinitatis.
Also see #055, March Violet.
1. It grows a Foot high, the Leaves are a dark Green, the Flowers spotted with a light Purple, a deep Purple and Yellow.
2. It grows Wild in the Borders of Fields, and is also planted in Gardens, flowring great Part of the Summer.
3. The Leaves are esteemed mucilaginous and vulnerary, good to take off the Gripes in Children, and prevent the Fits arising from them.
4. Greek, Επτάχροον. Latin, Jaccea. Spanish, Yerva de S. Trinadados. Italian, Jaccea. French, Pensees. German, Gibenfarben-Blumlin. Dutch, Penseen.