The plants.
- 001-004 Dandelion, Red Poppy, Mullein, Garden Cucumber.
- 005-008 Shepherd's Purse, Wild Tansie, Rue, Wild Rose.
- 009-012 Wood Sage, Sage, White Lilly, Stinging Nettle.
- 013-016 Jasmine, Narrow-leaved Plantain, St. John's Wort, Fox Glove.
- 017-020 Wormwood, Yarrow, Bean, Meadow Trefoil.
- 021-024 Agrimony, Mallow, Cress, Self Heal.
- 025-028 Honey-Suckle, Lark's-Spur, Balm, Hedge-Mustard.
- 029-032 White Mustard. Sow Thistle. Crow-foot. Water-Mint.
- 033-036 White-Archangel, Woody Night-Shade, Broad-leaved Plantain, Borrage.
- 037-040 White Briony, Great White Bindweed, Clivers, Wheat.
- 041-044 Vervein, Ox-Eye-Daisy, Pimpernel, Pansies.
- 045-048 Bramble, Betony, Marum, Brooklime.
- 049-052 Spinage, Wild teasel, Pilewort, Primrose.
- 053-056 Male Satyrion, Hollyhocks, March Violet, White Saxifrage.
- 057-060 Bears-foot, Doves-foot, Periwinckle, Wood-roof.
- 061-064 Hyacinth, Spurge Laurel, Sanicle, Bugle.
- 065-068 Female Piony, great Blew Bottle, May-Weed, Treacle Mustard.
- 069-072 Garden Flower de luce, Lillies of the Valley, Sage of Vertue, Ladie's Mantle.
- 073-076 White Rose, White Hellebore, White Dittany, Cross-wort.
- 077-080 Strawberries, Red Rose, Ladie's Thistle, Melilot.
- 081-084 Garden Radish, Damask Rose, Pease, Hedge Nettle.
- 085-088 Clove July-Flowers, Water Betony, Great Fig-Wort, Lettice.
- 089-092 Bear's Breech, Marshmallows, Great Celandine, Goat's Rue.
- 093-096 Great Centory, Tutsan, Thorow Wax, Swallow Wort.
- 097-100 Pomgranates, Costmary, Arrach, Wild Stinking Arrach.
- 101-104 The Peach Tree, Plowman's Spikenard, Flea-bane, Basil.
- 105-108 Almond Tree, Marygolds, Night-Shade, Wild Cucumber.
- 109-112 Starwort, The Eupatorium of Avicenna, White Henbane, Alkanet.
- 113-116 Sopewort, Mirtle Tree, Toad-Flax, Tarragon.
- 117-120 The great Burdock, Dead or spotted Arsmart, Sharp Arsmart, Buckshorn.
- 121-124 The Cornel Tree, Garden Clary, Garden Spurge, Shepherd's Staff.
- 125-128 The Fig Tree, The Mulberry Tree, The Male Cypress Tree, Horse Tongue.
- 129-132 Guinea Pepper, Smooth Sow-thistle, Water Calamint, Groundsel.
- 133-136 Love-Apple, Mastich Time or Herb Mastich, Buckthorn, Black or Stinking Horehound.
- 137-140 Quinces, Hart's Tongue, Agnus castus, Privet.
- 141-144 Apple Tree, Devil's Bit, Male Speedwell, Saffron.
- 145-148 Pomgranates, Tobacco, Sow-bread, greater Spurge.
- 149-152 Haw-thorn. Musk Crane's Bill. Elder. Black Alder.
- 153-156 The Vine, The Medlar Tree, Kneeholm, Pellitory of the Wall.
- 157-160 Citrul, Wild Iris, Rosemary, Flax.
- 161-164 Red Winter Cherries, French Mercury, The smaller Spurge, Chickweed.
- 165-168 The Barberry Bush, Mountain Calamint, The Common Calamint, White Ladies-Bed-Straw.
- 169-172 Golden Rod, Fluellin, Motherwort, Garden Parsly.
- 173-176 Common Service Tree, Manur'd Service Tree, Bay Tree, Coriander.
- 177-180 Garden Succory, The Wilding or Crab Tree, Wall-Flower, Small Germander.
- 181-184 White Stock July-flower. Red Archangel. Wild Succory. Misseltoe.
- 185-188 Field Scabious. The Scarlet Oak. The Juniper Tree. The Ivy Tree.
- 189-192 Pine Tree, WIld Pine, Orpine, Featherfew.
- 193-196 Cork Tree, Bay of Alexandria, Mastich or Lentisk-Tree, Box Tree.
- 197-200 True sweet Gum Cistus of Candy, Common Fir, Olive Tree, Small wild Daisy.
- 201-204 The Tamarind Tree, The Palm or Date Tree, The male Fir or Silver Fir, Colt's-foot.
- 205-208 The Holly-Tree, the Magellanic Bay-like Tree, Noble Liverwort, Venetia Orobus.
- 209-212 The Carob Tree, The Tree of Life, Thyme, Rue-leaved Whitlow Grass.
- 213-216 The Wild Olive Tree, The Savine Tree, Wall-fern, Spleen Wort.
- 217-220 Horsetail, Sea Scurvy-Grass, White Maiden Hair, Black Maiden Hair.
- 221-224 The East India Tamarind, Butterbur, Ladie's Smock, Wild Naven.
- 225-228 Ground Ivy, The Cowslip, Survy-Grass, Wake Robin.
- 229-232 The Common Aloes, Sorrel, Turnep, Wall-pepper.
- 233-236 Yellow Asphodel, Wild Bugloss, Red Beet, Chervil.
- 237-240 Fumitory, the true white Asphodel, Great Woolf's-bane, Birch.
- 241-244 Stechas, Rocket, Sweet-Cicely, Broom.