093-096 Great Centory, Tutsan, Thorow Wax, Swallow Wort.
93. Great Centory. Centaurium majus, or magnum.
Also see #066, great Blew-bottle - #093, Great Centory.
1. The Stalks grow to be five or six foot high, the Leaves are a light Green and the Flowers purplish.
2. It grows wild in Italy, but is planted here in Gardens and flowers in July.
3. The Root is accounted drying, binding, good for all kinds of Fluxes, Stopping, Bleeding at the Nose, Mouth, or any other Part. - It is also esteemed good to heal Wounds, takeing its Name as Pliny says from the Centaur Chiron, who cured himself of a Wound he received by one of the Arrows of Hercules, by the Use of this Plant.
4. Greek, Κενταύριον μέγα. Latin, Centaurium magnum. Spanish, Ruipontic. Italian, Centaurea maggiorie. French, Rhepontico. German, Reupontict. Dutch -.
94. Tutsan or Park Leaves. Androsaemum.
Also see #015, St. John's Wort - #094, Tutsan.
1. The Stalks grow to be two or three foot high, the Leaves are a grass Green, the Flowers Yellow, and the Berries when ripe purple.
2. It grows in Hedges and Thickets and flowers in July.
3. The Leaves and Flowers are accounted much of the Nature of St. John's Wort, being a good Wound Herb used both inwardly and outwardly. - In French it is called Tousain, All heal, and from thence by us corruptly Tutsan.
4. Greek, Ανδρόσαιμον. Latin, Androsaemum - vulgare - Clymenon. Spanish, . Italian, Androsemo. French, Toutsain. German, . Dutch, .
1. It grows to be a foot high, the Leaves are a blue Green, and the Flowers a greenish Yellow.
2. It grows among the Corn, and flowers in June & July.
3. Thorough Wax is reckon'd among the Vulnerary Plants, and is much used for green Wounds, Bruises, Ruptures, Contusions, old Ulcers and Sores, either given in Powder or Decoction.
4. Greek, . Latin, Perfoliata vulgaris. Spanish, . Italian, Perfogliata. French, . German, Durchwaschks. Dutch, .
96. Swallow Wort, Tame Poison. Asclepias - Vincetoxicum & Hirundinaria.
1. The Stalks are about a foot and a half high, the Leaves are a dark grass Green, and the Flowers white.
2. It grows here in Gardens, and flowers in June and July.
3. The Root is esteemed a great Counterpoison, especially against the bad Effects of Apocynum and other poisonous Herbs.
It is also used to cure the Stings and Bites of Venemous Creatures.
It is helpful against Malignant pestilential Fevers which it carries off by Sweat.
It is used also for the Dropsie and Jaundice.
4. Greek, Ασκληπιας. Latin, Asclepias. Spanish, . Italian, Vincetoksico. French, . German, Schwalbenwurt. Dutch, .