Simarubae Cortex. Simaruba Bark.

Simaruba bark consists of the dried root-bark of Simaruba amara, Aublet, and of S. glauca, DC. (N.O. Simarubeae), tall trees, the former indigenous to Venezuela and Guiana, the latter to the West Indies and Florida. The bark at present in commerce is that of S. amara. It occurs in long, very fibrous strips, more or less fissured and torn longitudinally, and of a buff or yellowish-brown colour. The outer surface is rough and deprived of its cork, the inner surface longitudinally striated. it has no odour, but has a bitter taste. Simaruba bark in hard, flat pieces is occasionally met with in commerce; it is probably stem-bark.

Constituents.—The chief constituent of the bark is a crystalline, bitter principle, which is quite distinct from quassin or picrasmin; it also contains a tasteless crystalline substance, fixed oil, traces of a fluorescent body, and a yellow resin.

Action and Uses.—Simaruba bark is used as a bitter, and astringent in chronic dysentery. For the latter purpose, a decoction is prepared (1 in 20), often with an equal quantity of cinnamon bark. Dose.—1 to 2 grammes (15 to 30 grains).

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.