Pharmaceutical Preparations of the Mexican Pharmacopoeia. Part 1.

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Under "Preparaciones Farmacéuticas" the Mexican Pharmacopoeia includes a number of animal and vegetable products which are rarely, if ever, made by the pharmacist, but are manufactured in industrial establishments and are met with in commerce as manufactured products. Among others, wine, vinegar, suet, lard, cacao butter, cocoanut oil, codliver oil, olive oil, and all other fats, as well as the various volatile oils have been placed in this class, while tar, oil of cade, empyreumatic animal oil, oil of amber, and similar articles are among the chemical products, "Productos químicos." Only the galenical preparations will be considered in the following abstracts.

These preparations are as a rule made by weight, and the formulas direct the ingredients in parts by weight, the total weight being usually 1,000 parts. The Spanish names have precedence in the pharmacopoeia, and are followed by the French and English synonyms, and these by the Latin title. In the following only the Spanish and Latin names as recognized by this Pharmacopoeia, will be given.

Aceite alcanforado, Oleum camphoratum.—Camphor 100, sesame oil 900.

Aceite de Cantáridas, Oleum Cantharidum.—Coarsely powdered cantharides 50, sesame oil 500; digest by means of a water-bath for six hours, express and filter.

Aceite de Cicuta, Oleum de foliis Conii maculati.—Fresh conium leaves 500, sesame oil 1,000; bruise the leaves, boil with the oil until the water has evaporated, digest at 80°C. for two hours, express and filter. The oils of belladonna, hyoscyamus, stramonium, solanum nigrum and tobacco are prepared in the same manner; instead of the fresh leaves, one-fourth the quantity of dried leaves may be used and moistened with a little water.

Aceite de estramonio compuesto, Balsamum tranquillans, Oleum Stramonii compositum.—Hyoscyamus, stramonium, solanum nigrum, and tobacco leaves, fresh of each 200 (or dried 50), belladonna leaves 50, sesame oil 5,000; bruise, boil and digest as above, express, decant and filter; then add 3 parts each of the volatile oils of lavender, rosemary, thyme, cedronella and spearmint; keep in a dark place.

Aceite fosforado, Oleum phosphoratum.—Phosphorus 2, sesame oil 100; fill a flask, stopper it, heat in a water-bath for 15 or 20 minutes, shake frequently, when cool decant from the phosphorus and preserve in small, well stoppered vials.

Aceite de hígado de bacalao ferruginoso, Oleum jecoris aselli ferratum.—Ferric benzoate 1, cod-liver oil 100; triturate the salt with a portion of the oil, put into a bottle, keep in a moderately warm place and shake well until a clear red-brown solution is obtained, rendering filtration unnecessary.

Aceite de huevos, Oleum de vitellis Ovorum.—Yolk of egg is coagulated by heat, expressed between hot iron plates, and the oil filtered while hot and preserved in well-closed vessels.

Aceite de manzanilla comun, Oleum de floribus Matricariae Chamomillae—German chamomile flowers 100, sesame oil 1,000; digest in a water-bath for two hours, express and filter. In the same manner prepare the oils of St. John's wort, fenugreek and rose petals.

Aceite de sándalo compuesto, Oleum Santali compositum.—Oil of St. John's wort 500, turpentine 120, sweet gum (liquidambar) 60; dissolve and mix with powdered dragon's blood 15, powdered red saunders 15 and oil of cloves 2.

Acido acetico aromatizado, Acidum aceticum aromaticum.—Glacial acetic acid 60, camphor 6, oil of lavender 0.05, oil of cloves 0.20, oil of cinnamon 0.10; dissolve.

Aguardiente alcanforado, Alcohol camphoratus communis.—Camphor 100, alcohol (60 per cent.) 3,900; dissolve and filter.

The following, medicated waters are directed to be prepared by distillation, 1,000 parts of distillate being obtained from the quantities given in each case:

Agua de azahar, Hydrolatum florum Citri Aurantii, from fresh orange flowers 3,000.

Agua de canela, Hydrolatum Cinnamomi, from Ceylon cinnamon 500.

Agua destilada de corteza de naranja amarga, Hydrolatum de cortice Citri vulgaris, from fresh bitter orange peel 150 and alcohol (80 per cent.) 81. The distilled waters of the peels of sweet orange, citron and lemon are prepared in the same manner.

Agua destilada de hojas de capulin, Hydrolatum foliorum Cerasi Capollin, from fresh leaves of Cerasus Capollin, De Cand., (Prunus cerasus L.,) 1,000. This water is used in the place of cherry-laurel and bitter almond water; 1,000 parts of it contain 0.5 parts of hydrocyanic acid.

Agua destilada de lechuga, Hydrolatum Lactucae, from 2,000 parts of flowering garden lettuce, deprived of the lower leaves.

Agua rosada, Hydrolatum Rosae, from fresh rose petals 1,000.

Agua destilada de tilia, Hydrolatum Tiliae, from dried. linden flowers 1,000. In the same manner prepare distilled water from chamomile flowers, fennel, valerian and analogous drugs.

Agua destilada de yerbabuena, Hydrolatum Menthae viridis, from fresh spearmint 4,000. Prepare in the same manner the water of eucalyptus leaves and of Cedronella mexicana.

The term agua is also applied to various solutions and mixtures, some of them containing alcohol.

Agua albuminosa, Aqua albuminosa.—White of two eggs, water 500 Gm.

Agua alcanforada, Aqua camphorata.—Macerate for two days powdered camphor 10 in distilled water 1,000; it is stated to contain 0.33 per cent. camphor in solution.

Agua de alquitran, Aqua picea.—Norway tar 5, pine sawdust 10; mix well and macerate for 24 hours with distilled or river water 1,000.

Agua articular, Tinctura de Nicotiana composita.—Tobacco 90, origanum, sage, rosemary, elder flowers, lavender, black pepper and mustard seed of each 60, euphorbium 30, castor 30, alcohol (60 per cent.) 3,000; bruise all the drugs except the mustard, macerate in the alcohol for 10 days, express and filter. Used as a stimulating embrocation.

Agua segunda de cal, Aqua calcica.

Agua de cal mercurial, Aqua phagedaenica nigra.—Calomel 0.50, lime water 300; mix.

Agua carmelitana, Alcoholatum Cedronellae mexicanae compositum.—Fresh cedronella flowers 1,000, fresh lemon peel and bitter orange peel, each 120, nutmeg, cloves and coriander each 90, Ceylon cinnamon 60, alcohol (80 per cent.) 6,000; macerate for two days and distil from a water-bath. Dose as a stimulant 8 to 15 Gm.

Agua cefálica, Alcoholatum Rosmarini.—Fresh rosemary leaves 1,000, dry lavender flowers 500, alcohol (80 per cent.) 3,000; macerate for four days and distil off the spirit; from the residue by means of steam obtain 500 parts of aqueous distillate and mix the two liquids. Used externally.

Agua celeste, Collyrium caeruleum.—Sulphate of copper 1, ammonia water (20 per cent.) 5, water 625.

Agua de Colonia, Alcoholatum coloniense.—Volatile oils of limes and lemon each 30, of orange, cedronella, linaloe lavender and rosemary each 15, of orange flowers and Ceylon cinnamon each 5, alcohol (84 per cent.) 3,500; mix, after four days distil, and to the distillate add essence of jessamin 30.

Agua del Dr. Sanchez, Collyrium cum sulfato zincico ex Sanchez.—Sulphate of zinc 2, powdered orrisroot 4, water 500; macerate for three days and filter.

Agua fagedénica roja, Aqua phagedaenica flava.—Corrosive sublimate 0.40, lime water 120.

Agua fénica oficinal, Aqua phenicata officinalis.—Crystallized phenol 20, water 1,000.

Agua hemostática de Pagliari, Aqua haemostatica ex Pagliari.—Dissolve benzoin 20 in alcohol (90 per cent.) 50, and alum 100 in water 1,000; mix, heat to 60° C. with frequent agitation until the mixture is no longer turbid, and replace the water which may have evaporated. Its density is 6° B.

Agua sedativa de Raspail No. 1, Aqua ammonio-camphorata ex Raspail.—Ammonia water (20 per cent.) 60, Raspail's spirit of camphor 10, sea salt 60, water 1,000. For No. 2 the ammonia water is increased to 80, and for No. 3 to 100 parts.

Agua de vegeto, Aqua cum subacetate plumbico ex Goulard.—Subacetate of lead 15, water 500, cologne water 30; mix.

Alcohol alcanforado, Alcohol camporatus.—Camphor 100, alcohol (90 per cent.) 900.

Alcohol alcanforado de Raspail, Alcohol camphoratus ex Raspall.—Camphor 100, alcohol (95 per cent.) 400.

For preparing distilled spirits, the drugs properly comminuted, are macerated in the alcohol for two or four days, after which time the liquid is distilled by means of a water-bath.

Alcoholato de canela, Alcoholatum corticis Cinnamomi.—Ceylon cinnamon 500, alcohol (80 per cent.), 4,000; distil off all the spirit. Orange and lemon spirits are made in the same manner from the fresh peels, using alcohol 3,000.

Alcoholato de contrayerba compuesto, Alcoholatum Dorsteniae compositum.—Contrayerva 120, valerian 60, ginger 60, rosemary, sage, lavender and cloves of each 30, alcohol (80 per Cent.) and water, each 3,000; distil 4,000 Gm.

Alcoholato de énula compuesto, Alcoholatum Foeniculi compositum.—Fennel 120, anise, caraway, allspice, Ceylon cinnamon and laurel berries of each 30, rosemary, elecampane and ginger each 60, nutmeg, cloves and bitter orange peel each 6, alcohol (80 per cent.) 3,000, water 1,000; distil 3,000 Gm.

Alcoholato de Garûs, Alcoholatum ex Garus.—Aloes 20, saffron 20, myrrh, Ceylon cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, of each 10, alcohol (56 per cent.) 5,000; distil 2,500 Gm. This is used for preparing the Elixir de Garûs by mixing of the above spirit 1,000, simple syrup 1,200 and double orange flower water 100 Gm.

Alcoholato de toronjil, Alcoholatum Cedronellae mexicanae.—Fresh cedronella leaves and flowers 1,000, alcohol (80 per cent.) 3,000; distil all the spirit; add to the residue fresh cedronella 500, and by means of steam obtain 500 Gm. of watery distillate and mix with the spirit.

Alcoholato de trementina compuesto, Alcoholatum Terebinthinae compositum—Common turpentine 500, white copal 180, myrrh 120, sweet gum (liquidambar) 120, laurel berries 100, galbanum, Ceylon cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and origanum, of each 60, alcohol (80 per cent.) 3,500; distil 3,000 Gm. Used externally in rheumatic complaints.

Alcoholaturos, Alcoholatura, are tinctures prepared from fresh drugs, the plants being collected when the flowers begin to appear, bruised and macerated with an equal weight of 90 per cent. alcohol. Such tinctures are prepared from aconite leaves, aconite root, arnica flowers, hyoscyamus, belladonna, colchicum tubers and flowers, digitalis, stramonium, tobacco, toxicodendron and from the flowers of Magnolia mexicana.

Algodon absorbente, Gossypium absorvens.—Prepared by a process similar to that recommended by Mr. F. L. Slocum ("Am. Jour. Phar.," 1881, p. 53).

Algodon yodado, Gossypium iodatum.—25 Gm. of carded cotton are mixed as intimately as possible with 2 Gm. of finely powdered iodine; the mixture is introduced into a glass stoppered bottle, which is heated for several minutes in water to expel the air, then firmly closed, and heated to about 100° C for at least two hours. After cooling the cotton is preserved in well stoppered bottles.

Apocema blanca de Sydenham, Apozema alba ex Sydenham.—Precipitated calcium phosphate 20, powdered white bread crumb 40, white gum, 40; mix, boil with water, stirring continually, and when the mixture has been reduced to two liters, pass through loose cotton and add syrup of gum, 120 Gm. Used as an anodyne and absorbent, 60 to 290 Gm., or more being taken during a day.

Apocema de cuso, Apozema de Brayera anthelmintica.—Powdered koosso 10, water 200; macerate for 12 hours, boil until reduced to one-half and dispense without straining.

Apocema sudorifica, Apozema sudatorium.—Guaiac wood 60, sarsaparilla 30; boil for one hour with sufficient water for making 1,000 parts of decoction, macerate for two hours with sassafras 10 and liquorice root 20, then strain and decant. To be taken in divided doses during a day.

Arrope de mora, Rob mororum.—Evaporate slightly fermented juice of mulberries to the consistency of thick honey. Rohob of elderberries is prepared in the same manner.

Azucar naranjada purgante, Oleosaccharuretum Aurantii purgativum.—Powdered jalap 60, soluble tartar (potassium boro-tartrate) 15, sugar 440, oil of orange 4. Dose as a purgative 8 to 15 Gm.

Bálsamo anodino, Tinctura cum Opio et Sapone camphorata.—Opium 60, soap 120, camphor 90, saffron 30, alcohol (80 per cent.) 3,000; macerate for ten days. Used externally in rheumatism and neuralgia.

Bálsamo católico, Tinctura balsamica.—Angelica 10, flowering tops of St. John's wort 20, alcohol (80 per cent.) 720; macerate for eight days, express, strain and add myrrh 10, frankincense 10; again macerate for eight days and add tolu balsam 60, benzoin 60, and Cape aloes 10; macerate as before and filter. Used as a topical application for indolent and troublesome ulcers.

Bálsamo de Gonzalez, Linimentum anodynum.—Stramonium oil (oleoinfusion) 250, anodyne balsam 25, ammonia water (20 per cent.) 15. Used in muscular pains of the breast and back.

Bálsamo nerval, Balsamum nervale, Pomatum nervinum.—Camphor 3, Tolu balsam 6; reduce to a fine powder, add gradually with trituration a mixture of beef marrow 70, expressed oil of nutmeg 90, and sesame oil 20, and incorporate with it oil of rosemary 6, and oil of cloves 3. Used as an anodyne in rheumatism.

Bálsamo Opodeldoc concreto, Linimentum Opodeldoch concretum.—Formula of the former French Codex.

Bálsamo Opodeldoc líquido, Linimentum Opodeldoch liquidum.—Equivalent to our soap liniment, but contains about 2.6 per cent. of ammonia water.

The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 57, 1885, was edited by John M. Maisch.