Ilex cassine Walt. Ilicineae (Aquifoliaceae). Cassina. Dahoon Holly. Holly. Yaupon.
Eastern North America. Romans says the leaves of the cassina were roasted and made into a decoction by the Creek Indians. The Indians attributed many virtues to the tea and permitted only men to drink it. Along the coast region of Virginia and Carolina, the leaves of yaupon are used as a tea and are an object of sale.
Ilex fertilis Reiss.
Brazil. This species yields the mild mate, considered equal to the best Paraguay tea.
Ilex glabra A. Gray. Appalachian Tea. Inkberry.
Eastern North America. Porcher says the leaves form a tea substitute.
Ilex paraguensis A. St. Hil. Mate. Yerba De Mate.
Paraguay. From this plant comes the well-known mate of South America, which replaces tea in Brazil and Buenos Aires. It is consumed by the thousands of tons.
Ilex quercifolia Meerb. American Holly.
Eastern North America. According to Porcher, the leaves afford a tea substitute in the south.
Ilex verticillata A. Gray. Black Alder. Winterberry.
Porcher says the leaves are substituted for tea.
Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World, 1919, was edited by U. P. Hedrick.