Allium x proliferum

Allium x proliferum

Allium x proliferum (Moench) Schrad. ex Willd.
Engl.: tree onion, Beltsville bunching onion, Catawissa onion, Egyptian onion, top onion.
Deu.: Luftzwiebel, Catawissazwiebel, Etagenzwiebel, Ägyptische Zwiebel.
Fran.: oignon d'Égypte.
Sven.: luftlök.
Suom.: ilmasipuli.
Bot. syn.: Allium cepa L. cv. viviparum (Metzg.) Alef., Allium cepa L. var. bulbiferum Regel, Allium cepa L. var. proliferum (Moench) Regel, Allium cepa L. var. viviparum (Metzg.) Mansf., Allium fistulosum L. x cepa L., Allium x wakegii Araki.

Photo: Allium x proliferum 3.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Allium x proliferum 3.

Bulbs. Westers puutarha, Kemiön saari, Finland. Planted. 2008-07-30.

Image ID: 
D08 3961

Photo: Allium x proliferum 2.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Allium x proliferum 2.

Plants with bulbs. Westers puutarha, Kemiön saari, Finland. Planted. 2008-07-30.

Image ID: 
D08 3960

Photo: Allium x proliferum 1.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Allium x proliferum 1.

Plants with bulbs. Westers puutarha, Kemiön saari, Finland. Planted. 2008-07-30.

Image ID: 
D08 3959

Photo: Allium x proliferum 0.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Allium x proliferum.

Flowering plant. Helsinki, Finland. Planted. 1999-06-01.