Plantago afra

Plantago afra

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Plantago afra L.
Engl.: African plantain, black psyllium, flea-seed plant, fleawort, psyllium.
Deu.: Flohkraut, Flohsamen-Wegerich.
Fran.: herbes aux puces, pilicaire, plantain africain.
Sven.: loppfrö.
Suom.: rohtoratamo.
Ital.: psillio.
Pharm.: mucilago psyllii, semina psyllii.
Pre-Linnaean: Plantago caule ramoso foliis dentatis spicis nudis, Psyllium dioscoridis vel indicum foliis crenatis.
Bot. syn.: Plantago cynops L. 1753, Plantago psyllium L. 1762.



Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 01.2000.

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Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 01.1996.