
Dens leonis.

ANOTHER of our wild plants too common to need much description. The leaves are very long, somewhat broad, and deeply indented at the edges. The stalks are naked, hollow, green, upright, and six, eight, or ten inches high; one flower stands on each, which is large, yellow, and composed of a great quantity of leaves, and seeds which follow this, have a downy matter affixed to them. The whole head of them appears globular. The root is long, large, and white. The whole plant is full of a milky juice, the root most of all. This runs from it when broken, and is bitterish but not disagreeable.

The root fresh gathered and boiled, makes an excellent decoction to promote urine, and bring away gravel. The leaves may be eaten as salad when very young, and if taken this way in sufficient quantity, they are good against the scurvy.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.