Hill, 1812: The Family Herbal.
.html version copyright © 2011–2024 Henriette Kress.
You'll find online and .pdf versions here:
- On botanicus.org (= mobot scans): 1755 - 1770 - 1812 (beautiful scans)
- On archive.org: 1812
- On google books: Various editions (readable text, botched pics)
A great rant about English vs Latin books of the time: Dog Mercury.
A view into superstitions: Moss of an Human Skull.
The Plants
- Acacia Tree. Acacia vera sive spina Aegyptiaca.
- Aconite. Anthora sive aconitum salutiferum.
- Adder's-tongue. Ophioglossum.
- Agrimony. Agrimonia.
- Black alder. Alnus nigra. Frangula.
- Alehoof or Ground-ivy. Hedera terrestris.
- Allheal, or crown's allheal. Panax Coloni.
- Almond tree. Amygdalus.
- The Aloe Plant. Aloe.
- Aloes Wood. Lignum aloes.
- True Amomum. Amomum verum racemosum.
- Common Amomum. Amomum vulgare.
- Alkanet. Anchusa.
- Angelica. Angelica.
- Anise. Anisum.
- Apples of Love. Poma Amoris.
- Archangel. Lamium Album.
- Arrach, or Stinking Arrach. Atriplex olida.
- Aron. Arun.
- Arsmart or Water-pepper. Persicaria Urens.
- Artichoke. Cinara.
- Asarabacca. Asarum.
- The Ash. Fraxinus.
- The Manna Ash. Fraxinus minore folio.
- Asparagus. Asparagus sativus.
- Asphodel. Asphodelus verus ramosus albus.
- The Asafoetida Plant. Asafoetida herba.
- Avens. Carryophyllata.
- Balm. Melissa.
- The Balm of Gilead Shrub. Balsamum syriacum rutae folio.
- The Balsam of Capivi-Tree. Arbor balsamifera fructu monospermo.
- The Balsam of Peru-Tree. Arbor balsamifera Peruviana.
- The Balsam of Tolu-Tree. Arbor balsamifera Tolutana.
- The Barbery-Bush. Berberis.
- Barley. Hordeum.
- Barren wort. Epimedium.
- The Bay Tree. Laurus.
- Basil. Ocymum vulgare majus.
- The Bdellium Tree. Arbor bdellium ferens.
- The Bean. Faba.
- The Malacca Bean-Tree. Anacardium legitimum.
- The West-India-Bean, or Cashew Nut-Tree. Arbor acajou vulgo cajou.
- The Bengal Bean-Tree. Faba Bengalensis.
- Bear's-Breech. Acanthus.
- Bear's-foot. Helleborus niger.
- Ladies' Bedstraw. Gallium luteum.
- Beet. Beta alba.
- White Behen. Behen album.
- Red Behen. Limonium majus.
- The Ben-Nut-tree. Balanus myrepsica.
- The Benjamin Tree. Arbor benzoinifera.
- Wood Betony. Butonica sylvestris.
- Bind Weed. Convolvulus major.
- The Billberry Bush. Vaccinia nigra.
- The Birch-Tree. Betula.
- Round-rooted Birthwort. Aristolochia rotunda.
- Bishopsweed. Ammi.
- Bistort. Bistorta.
- Bitter-Sweet. Solanum lignosum.
- Blood-wort. Lapathum sanguineum.
- Bramble. Rubus vulgaris.
- Blue Bottle. Cyanus.
- The Box Tree. Buxus.
- Borage. Borago.
- White Bryony. Bryonia alba.
- Black Bryony. Brionia nigra.
- Brooklime. Anagallis aquatica, becabunga.
- Broom. Genista.
- Butchers-Broom. Ruscus.
- Buck-beans. Trifolium palustre.
- Buckthorn. Spina cervina.
- Buckshorn Plantain. Coronopus.
- Bugle. Bugula.
- Bugloss. Buglossum hortense.
- Burdock. Bardana.
- Burnet. Pimpinella sanguisorba.
- Burnet Saxifrage. Pimpinella saxifraga.
- Butter-bur. Petasites.
- Bur-reed. Sparganium.
- The Chocolate Nut-tree. Cacao.
- Calamint. Calamintha.
- Penny-royal Calamint. Calamintha odore pulegh.
- Calves' Snout or Snapdragon. Antirrhinum.
- Camel's Hay. Schenanthus.
- Chamomile. Chamaemelum.
- The Camphire-Tree. Arbor camphorifera.
- White Campion. Lychnis flore albo.
- The Canel Bark-Tree, called the Winter's Bark-Tree. Canella alba.
- Canterbury Bells. Trachelium majus.
- The Caper Shrub. Capparis.
- The Caranna Tree. Caranna arbor.
- The Lesser Cardamom Plant. Cardamomum minus.
- The Caranna Tree. Caragna.
- Carline thistle. Carlina.
- The Caraway Plant. Carum.
- Wild Carrot. Daucus sylvestris.
- Candy Carots. Daucus Cretensis.
- The Cascarilla Tree. Cascarilla.
- The Cassia Fistula Tree. Cassia fistula.
- The Cassia Bark Tree. Cassia lignea.
- The Cassia Caryophythata, or Clove Bark Tree. Cassia caryophythata.
- Cassidony, or Arabian Staechas. Stoechas Arabica.
- The Cassumunar Plant. Cassumunar.
- Catmint. Nepeta.
- Great Celandine. Chelidonium majus.
- Little Celandine. Chelodonium minus.
- Little Centaury. Centaurium minus.
- Chaste Tree. Agnus castus.
- The Black Cherry Tree. Cerasus fructu nigro.
- Winter Cherry. Alkekengi.
- Chervil. Chaerefolium.
- The Chesnut Tree. Castanea.
- Earth-Chesnut, or Earth-Nut. Bulbocastanum.
- Chick-weed. Alsine media.
- The China-root Plant. Smilax cujus radix China officiorum.
- Chich. Cicer.
- Cinquefoil. Pentaphyllum.
- The Cinnamon Tree. Cinnamon.
- The Winter's Bark Tree. Cortex winteranus.
- The Cistus Shrub. Cistus ladanifera.
- The Citron Tree. Citria sive malus medica.
- The Citrull. Citrullus.
- Clary. Horminum.
- Cleavers. Aparine.
- The Clove Bark-Tree. Cassia caryophylata.
- The Clove July Flower. Caryophyllus ruber.
- The Clove Spice Tree. Caryophyllus aromaticus.
- Cockle. Pseudomelanthium.
- The Coculus Indi Tree. Arbor coculos Indicos ferens.
- The Codaga Shrub. Codaga pall.
- The Coffee-Tree. Arbor coffee ferens.
- Sea Colewort, or Sea Bindweed. Soldanella.
- Coltsfoot. Tussilago.
- Columbine. Aquilegia.
- Comfrey. Symphytum.
- The Contrayerva Plant. Contrayerva.
- The Copal Tree. Arbor copalifera.
- Coral. Corallium.
- Coralline. Corallina.
- Coriander. Coriandrum.
- The Cornel Tree. Cornus mas.
- Corn Marigold. Chrysanthemum segestum.
- Costmary. Costus hortorum.
- The Costus Plant. Costus.
- The Cotton Tree. Gossypium sive xylon.
- The Cotton Thistle. Acanthium.
- Couch Grass. Gramen caninum.
- Cowslip. Paralysis.
- Cowslip of Jerusalem. Pulmonaria maculata.
- Cow-wheat. Crateogonum.
- The Crab Tree. Malus sylvestris.
- Cranesbill. Geranium robertianum.
- The Garden Cress. Nasturtium hortense.
- Water Cress. Nasturtium aquaticum.
- Sciatica cress. Iberis.
- Wart Cresses, or Swine's Cresses. Coronopus ruellii.
- Cross-wort. Cruciata.
- Crow-foot. Ranunculus.
- The Cubeb Plant. Cubeba.
- The Cucumber Plant. Cucumis hortensis.
- The Wild Cucumber. Cucumis asininus.
- Cuckow Flower, or Lady's smock. Cardamine.
- Cudweed. Gnaphalium.
- Cummin. Cuminum.
- The Black Currant. Ribesia nigra.
- Long Cyperus. Round Cyperus. Cyperus longus. Cyperus rotundus.
- The Cypress Tree. Cupressus.
- Common Daffodill. Narcissus.
- The Great Daisy. Bellis major.
- The Little Daisy. Bellis minor.
- Dandelion. Dens leonis.
- Red Darnell. Lolium rubrum.
- The Date Tree. Palma dactylifera.
- Devil's Bit. Succisa.
- Dill. Anethum.
- Dittander. Lepidium.
- Dittany of Crete. Dictamnus Creticus.
- White Dittany. Fraxinella.
- Sharp-pointed Dock. Lapathum folio acuto.
- Great Water Dock. Hydrolapathum maximum.
- Garden Dock, called Monks' Rhubarb. Lapathum sativum, patientia.
- Dodder. Cuscuta.
- Dog Mercury. Cynocrambe.
- Dog Tooth. Dens caninus.
- Dragons. Dracontium.
- The Dragon's Blood Tree. Sanguis draconis arbor.
- Dropwort. Filipendula.
- Duck-weed. Lenticula.
- Dwarf Elder. Ebulus.
- Dyer's Weed. Luteola.
- Elder. Sambucus.
- Elecampane. Enula campana.
- Elm. Ulmus.
- Endive. Endivia.
- Eryngo. Eryngium.
- The Euphorbium Plant. Euphorbium.
- Eye Bright. Euphrasia.
- Fennel. Sweet Fennel. Foeniculum. Foeniculum dulce.
- Fennel Flower. Nigella.
- Hog's Fennel. Peucedanum.
- Fenugreek. Foenum Graecum.
- Male Fern. Filix mas.
- Female Fern. Filix foemina.
- Flowering Fern. Osmunda regalis.
- Feverfew. Matricaria.
- Fig-tree. Ficus.
- Figwort. Scrophularia.
- Fir-tree. Abies.
- Red Fir Tree, or Pitch Tree. Picea.
- Sweet Flag. Acorus calamus aromaticus dictus.
- Common Acorus, Yellow Flag. Acorus adulterinus.
- Flax. Linum.
- Purging Flax. Linum catharticum.
- Fleabane. Conyza.
- Fleawort. Psyllium.
- Flix Weed. Sophia chirurgorum.
- Flower Gentle. Amaranthus.
- Flower de Luce. Florentine Flower de Luce. Iris. Iris Florentina.
- Fluellin. Elatine.
- Fool's Stones. Satyrium sive orchis.
- Fox-glove. Digitalis.
- Frankincense Tree. Arbor thurifera.
- French Mercury. Mercurialis mas et foemina.
- Frog Bit. Morsus ranae.
- Fumitory. Fumaria.
- Furze Bush. Genista spinosa.
- Galangal Plant. Galanga.
- Garlic. Allium.
- Gentian. Gentiana.
- Germander. Water Germander. Chamaedrys. Scordium.
- Ginger. Zinziber.
- Gladwyn. Xyris sive spatula foetida.
- Glasswort. Kali.
- Goat's Beard. Tragopogon.
- Goat's Rue. Galega.
- Golden Rod. Virga aurea.
- Gold of Pleasure. Myagrum.
- Gourd. Cucurbita.
- Bitter Gourd, called Bitter Apple. Colocynthis.
- Gout Wort. Padagrara herba gerrardi.
- Gromwell. Lithospermon.
- Ground-Pine. Chamaepitys.
- Groundsel. Erigeron sive senecio.
- Guaiacum Tree. Guaiacum.
- Hare's Ears. Bupleuron latifolium.
- Hare's Foot. Lagopus.
- Hart's Tongue. Phyllitis. Lingua cervina.
- Hartwort. Seseli.
- Hawthorn. Spina alba.
- Hedge Mustard. Erisimum.
- Hemlock. Cicuta.
- Hemp. Cannabis.
- Hemp Agrimony. Eupatorium cannabinum.
- Black Henbane. White Henbane. Hyoscyamus albus. Hyascyamus niger.
- Good King Henry. Bonus Henricus.
- Hermodactyl Plant. Hermodactylus.
- Holloak. Malva arborea.
- Honewort. Selinum sii foliis.
- Honey-Suckle. Periclymenum.
- Honeywort. Cerinthe.
- Hop Plant. Lupulus.
- White Horehound. Marrubium album.
- Black Horehound. Ballote.
- Horsetail. Equisetum segetale.
- Hound's Tongue. Cynoglossum.
- Great Houseleek. Sedum majus.
- Least Houseleek, or Wall Pepper. Sedum minimum acre.
- The Hypocist. Hypocistus.
- Hyssop. Hyssopus.
- Hedge Hyssop. Gratiola.
- Jack by the Hedge. Alliaria.
- Jacinth, or Hyacinth. Hyacinthus vulgais.
- Jalap Plant. Jalapium.
- Jessamine. Jasminum.
- Rose of Jericho. Rosa Hicracontea.
- Jesuit's Bark Thee. Arbor Peruviana.
- Jews Ears. Auriculae Judae.
- St. Ignatius's Bean. Faba sancti Ignatii.
- St. John's wort. Hypericum.
- Jujube Tree. Zizyphus.
- The White Stock July Flower. Leucoium album.
- Juniper Shrub. Juniperus.
- Ivy. Hedera.
- Kidney Wort. Umbilicus veneris.
- Knap-weed. Jacea.
- Knot-grass. Polygonum.
- Gum Lac Tree. Laca arbor.
- Ladies' Mantle. Archimilla.
- Larch Tree. Larix.
- Larks' Spur. Delphinium.
- Lavender. Lavendula.
- Lavender Cotton. Abrotonum faemina.
- Spurge Laurel. Laureola.
- Leek. Porrum.
- Lemon Tree. Limonia majus.
- Lead wort. Dentillaria sive plumbago.
- The Indian Leaf Tree. Malabathrum.
- Lentil. Lens.
- Lettice. Lactuca.
- Wild Lettice. Lactuca sylvestris major.
- White Lily. Lilium album.
- Lily of the Valley. Lilium convallium.
- Water Lily. Nymphaea alba.
- The Lime Tree. Tilia.
- The Liquid Amber Tree. Liquid ambar.
- The Liquid Storax Tree. Styrax liquida arbor.
- Liquorice. Glycyrrhiza
- Noble Liverwort, or Hepatica. Hepatica nobilis.
- Green liverwort. Lichen vulgaris.
- Grey Ground Liverwort. Lichen cinereus terrestris.
- The Logwood Tree. Arbor campechiana.
- Purple Loosestrife. Lysimachia purpurea.
- Yellow Loosestrife. Lysimachia lutea.
- Lovage. Levisticum.
- Tree Lungwort. Muscus pulmonarius.
- Lupine. Lupinus sativus albus.
- Golden Lungwort. Pulmonaria aurea.
- Mace. Maris.
- Madder. Rubia tinctorum.
- The True Maidenhair. Adiantum verum.
- English Maidenhair. Trichomanes.
- White Maidenhair. Adiantum album.
- Black Maidenhair. Adiantum nigrum.
- Golden Maidenhair. Adiantum aureum.
- Common Mallow. Malva.
- Marsh Mallow. Althaea.
- Vervain Mallow. Alcea.
- Musk Mallow. Bamia moschata.
- Mandrake. Mandragora.
- Sweet Marjoram. Majorana.
- Wild Marjoram. Origanum.
- Cretic Majoram. Origanum creticum.
- Marigold. Calendula.
- The Mastic Tree. Lentiscus.
- Herb Mastic. Marum.
- Syrian Mastic Thyme. Marum Syriacum.
- Masterwort. Imperitoria.
- Maudlin. Ageratum.
- Stinking Mayweed. Cotula foetida.
- Meadow Sweet. Ulmaria.
- The Mechoacan Plant. Mechoacana.
- The Medlar Tree. Mespilus.
- Melilot. Melilotus.
- The Melon. Melo.
- The Mezereon Shrub. Mezereum.
- Millet. Millium.
- Milkwort. Polygala.
- Spear Mint. Mentha vulgaris.
- Water Mint. Mintha aquatica.
- Peppermint. Mentha piperata.
- Long Leaved Wild Mint. Menthastrum.
- The Myrtle. Myrtus.
- Misletoe. Viscus.
- The Indian Myrobalan Tree. Myrobalanus Indica.
- Moon Wort. Lunaria.
- Hairy Tree Moss. Usnea.
- Cup Moss. Muscus pyxidatus.
- Common Ground Moss. Muscus terrestris vulgaris.
- Moss of an Human Skull. Muscus ex cranio humano.
- Mother of Thyme. Serpyllum.
- Motherwort. Cardiaca.
- Mouse Ear. Pilosella.
- Mugwort. Artemisia.
- The Mulberry Tree. Morus.
- White Mullien. Verbascum album.
- Mustard. Sinapis.
- Treacle Mustard. Thlaspi discordis.
- Mithridate Mustard. Thlaspi incano folio.
- The Myrrh Tree. Myrrha.
- Sweet Navew. Napus.
- Wild Navew. Bunias.
- Colic Nard. Nardus celtica.
- Nettle. Urtica.
- Roman Nettle. Urtica romana.
- Common Nightshade. Solanum vulgare.
- Deadly Nightstade. Solanum lethale.
- The Nutmeg Tree. Nux moschata.
- The Oak. Quercus.
- The Scarlet Oak. Ilex.
- Oak of Jerusalem. Botrys.
- The Olive Tree. Olea.
- The Onion. Cepa.
- The Opoponax Plant. Opopanax.
- The Orange Tree. Aurantia malus.
- Orpine. Telephum.
- Oxeye. Buphthalmum.
- Palma Christi. Ricinus.
- The Oily Palm Tree. Palma oleosa.
- Panic. Panicum.
- Pareira Brava. Pareira brava.
- Parsly. Petroselinum.
- Parsly Piert. Percicier.
- Macedonian Parsly. Petroselinum Macedonicum.
- Wild Parsnep. Pastinaca sylvestris.
- The Pavana Shrub. Pavana.
- The Peach Tree. Persica malus.
- Pellitory of the Wall. Parietaria.
- Pellitory of Spain. Pyrethrum.
- Penny-royal. Pulegium.
- Black Pepper. Piper nigrum.
- White Pepper. Piper album.
- Long Pepper. Piper longum.
- Jamaica Pepper Tree. Piper Jamaicense.
- Guinea Pepper. Capsicum.
- Periwinkle. Vinca pervinca.
- Spelt, or St. Peter's Corn. Zea.
- Pimpernel. Anagallis flore rubro.
- The Pine Tree. Pinus.
- The Wild Pine Tree. Pinus sylvestris.
- Piony. Paeonia.
- The Pistachia Tree. Pistachia.
- Pitch Tree. Picea.
- The Ammoniacum Plant. Ammoniacum.
- Broad Leaved Plantain. Plantago major.
- Plowman's Spikenard. Baccharis monspeliensium.
- Poleymountain. Polium montanum.
- Candy Poleymountain. Polium creticum.
- Polypody. Polypodium.
- The Pomegranate Tree. Granatus.
- Wild Pomegranate Tree. Balaustia.
- The Pompkin. Pepo.
- The Black Poplar. Populus nigra.
- The White Poppy. Papaver album.
- Black Poppy. Papaver nigrum.
- Red Poppy. Papaver erraticum.
- Primrose. Primula veris.
- Privet. Ligustrum.
- Purslain. Portulaca.
- The Quince Tree. Cydonia.
- The Radish. Raphanus.
- Horse Radish. Raphanus rusticanus.
- Ragwort. Jacobaea.
- The Raspberry Bush. Rubus idaeus.
- The Rattle-Snake Root Plant. Seneca.
- The Common Reed. Arundo.
- Prickly Restharrow. Anonis spinosa.
- Rhapontic. Rhaponticum sive rha.
- Rosmarine. Rosmarinus.
- Rosa Solis, or Sundew. Ros solis.
- Rhubarb. Rhabarbarum.
- Rue. Ruta.
- Rupture-wort. Herniaria.
- Saffron. Crocus.
- Bastard Saffron. Carthamus.
- Sagapenum Plant. Sagapenum.
- Red Sage. Salvia hortensis.
- Sage of Vitue. Salvia minor.
- Wood Sage. Salvia agrestis.
- Salep plant. Orchis orientalis.
- Samphire. Crithmum maritimum.
- Sanicle. Sanicula.
- The Sarsaparilla Plant. Sarsaparilla.
- The Sassafras Tree. Sassafras.
- Savine. Sabina.
- Summer Savory. Satureia hortensis.
- The Red Saunders Tree. Santalum rubrum.
- The Yellow and White Saunders Tree. Santalum flavum et album.
- White Saxifrage. Saxifraga alba.
- Meadow Saxifrage. Seseli pratense.
- Scabious. Scabiosa.
- Scammony Plant. Scammonia.
- Garden Scurvy Grass. Cochlearia hortensis.
- Sea Scurvy Grass. Cochlearia marina.
- The Sebesten Tree. Nyxa sive sebesten.
- Self-heal. Prunella.
- The Senna Shrub. Sena.
- Bastard Sena. Colutea.
- The Senega Tree. Senica.
- The Right Service Tree. Sorbus legitima.
- Common Service Tree. Sorbus vulgaris.
- Shepherd's Purse. Bursa pastoris.
- Skirret. Sisarum.
- The Sloe Tree. Prunus sylvestris.
- Smallage. Apium.
- The Colurine wood, or Snake-wood Tree. Lignum colubrinum.
- Sneezewort. Ptarmica.
- Solomon's Seal. Polygonatum.
- Sopewort. Saponaria.
- Sorrel. Acetosa.
- Wood sorrel. Luiula.
- Southernwood. Abrotanum mas.
- Sowthistle. Sonchus asper.
- Speedwell. Veronica mas.
- Spignel. Meum.
- Spinage. Spinachia..
- Spleenwort. _.
- Indian Spikenard. Nardus Indica.
- Sponge. Spongia.
- Great spurge. Esula major.
- The Lesser Spurge. Esula minor.
- Squill. Scilla.
- Starwort. Aster aticus.
- The star thistle. Calcitrapa.
- The Starry Headed Anise Tree. Anisum stellatum..
- The Storax Tree. Styrax arbor.
- The Strawberry Plant. Fragaria.
- Succory. Cichoreum.
- Sugar Cane. Arundo saccharifera.
- Sumach. Rhus.
- Swallow-wort. Asclepias.
- The Tacamahac Tree. Tacamahaca.
- The Tamarind Tree. Tamarindus.
- Tamarisk. Tamariscus.
- Tansy. Tanacetum.
- Wild Tansy. Argentina.
- Tarragon. Dracunculus.
- Tea. Thea.
- Teazle. Dipsacus sylvestris.
- Blessed Thistle. Carduus benedictus.
- Milk Thistle. Carduus mariae.
- Thorn Apple. Stramonium.
- Goat's Thorn. Tragacantha.
- Thoroughwax. Perfoliata.
- Thyme. Thymus.
- Toad Flax. Linaria.
- Tobacco. Nicotiana.
- Tormentil. Tormentilla.
- Tree of Life. Arbor vitae.
- The Gum Anime Tree. Anime arbor.
- Trefoil. Trifolium Purpureum.
- Turmeric. Curcuma.
- Turpeth. Turpethum.
- The Turnip. Rapum.
- The Turpentine Tree. Terebinthus.
- Tutsan. Androsaemum.
- Twy Blade. Bifolium.
- Garden valerian. Valeriana hortensis.
- Wild valerian. Valeriana sylvestris.
- The Vanilla Plant. Vanilla.
- Vervain. Verbena.
- The Vine. Vitis.
- Violet. Viola.
- Viper's Grass. Scorzonera.
- Viper's Bugloss. Echium.
- The Virginia Snakeroot Plant. Serpentaria Virginiana.
- The Vomic Nut Tree. Nux vomica.
- The Walnut Tree. Juglans.
- Wall-Flower. Leucoium.
- Water Arrow Head. Sagitta aquatica.
- Water Plantain. Plantago aquatica.
- Rue-leaved Whitlow-Grass. Paronychia rutacco folio.
- The White Willow. Salix vulgaris alba.
- Winter Green. Pyrola.
- Woad. Glastum.
- Woodruffe. Asperula.
- The Wormseed Plant. Absinthium santonicum.
- Treacle Wormseed. Camelina.
- Common Wormwood. Absynthium vulgare.
- Sea Wormwood. Absynthium seriphium..
- Roman Wormwood. Absynthium Romanum.
- Yarrow. Millefolium.
- The Zedoary Plant. Zedoaria.
- The Zerumbeth Plant. Zerumbetha.