Water Arrow Head.

Botanical name: 

Plate 51. Sagitta aquatica.

A very pretty plant, common in our ditches, with leaves like the bearded heads of arrows, and with pretty white flowers. It is two feet and a half high, but generally the greatest part of the stalk is buried in water, very little appearing above, except the spike of flowers. The leaves stand each upon a pedicle, which is round, thick, and very long; they are of a beautiful green, and are broad, and bearded at the base, and sharp at the point; the flowers are white, tolerably large, and very bright; and the stalk, on which they are supported, is also round and thick.

The common people in many places have a custom of applying these leaves bruised to inflammations; they cool and give ease, but it is not always right.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.