The plants.
- Acacia Tree.
- Aconite.
- Adder's-tongue.
- Agrimony.
- Alehoof or Ground-ivy.
- Alkanet.
- Allheal, or crown's allheal.
- Almond tree.
- Aloes Wood.
- Angelica.
- Anise.
- Apples of Love.
- Archangel.
- Aron.
- Arrach, or Stinking Arrach.
- Arsmart or Water-pepper.
- Artichoke.
- Asarabacca.
- Asparagus.
- Asphodel.
- Avens.
- Balm.
- Barley.
- Barren wort.
- Basil.
- Bastard Saffron.
- Bastard Sena.
- Bear's-Breech.
- Bear's-foot.
- Beet.
- Bind Weed.
- Bishopsweed.
- Bistort.
- Bitter Gourd, called Bitter Apple.
- Bitter-Sweet.
- Black Bryony.
- Black Henbane. White Henbane.
- Black Horehound.
- Black Maidenhair.
- Black Pepper.
- Black Poppy.
- Black alder.
- Blessed Thistle
- Blood-wort.
- Blue Bottle.
- Borage.
- Bramble.
- Broad Leaved Plantain.
- Brooklime.
- Broom.
- Buck-beans.
- Buckshorn Plantain.
- Buckthorn.
- Bugle.
- Bugloss.
- Bur-reed.
- Burdock.
- Burnet Saxifrage.
- Burnet.
- Butchers-Broom.
- Butter-bur.
- Calamint.
- Calves' Snout or Snapdragon.
- Camel's Hay.
- Candy Carots.
- Candy Poleymountain.
- Canterbury Bells.
- Carline thistle.
- Cassidony, or Arabian Staechas.
- Catmint.
- Chamomile.
- Chaste Tree.
- Chervil.
- Chich.
- Chick-weed.
- Cinquefoil.
- Clary.
- Cleavers.
- Cockle.
- Colic Nard.
- Coltsfoot.
- Columbine.
- Comfrey.
- Common Acorus, or Yellow Flags.
- Common Amomum.
- Common Daffodill.
- Common Ground Moss.
- Common Mallow.
- Common Nightshade.
- Common Service Tree.
- Common Wormwood.
- Coral.
- Coralline.
- Coriander.
- Corn Marigold.
- Costmary.
- Couch Grass.
- Cow-wheat.
- Cowslip of Jerusalem.
- Cowslip.
- Cranesbill.
- Cretic Majoram.
- Cross-wort.
- Crow-foot.
- Cuckow Flower, or Lady's smock.
- Cudweed.
- Cummin.
- Cup Moss.
- Dandelion.
- Deadly Nightstade.
- Devil's Bit.
- Dill.
- Dittander.
- Dittany of Crete.
- Dodder.
- Dog Mercury.
- Dog Tooth.
- Dragons.
- Dropwort.
- Duck-weed.
- Dwarf Elder.
- Dyer's Weed.
- Earth-Chesnut, or Earth-Nut.
- Elder.
- Elecampane.
- Elm.
- Endive.
- English Maidenhair.
- Eryngo.
- Eye Bright.
- Female Fern.
- Fennel Flower.
- Fennel. Sweet Fennel.
- Fenugreek.
- Feverfew.
- Fig-tree.
- Figwort.
- Fir Tree.
- Flax.
- Fleabane.
- Fleawort.
- Flix Weed.
- Flower Gentle.
- Flower de Luce.
- Flowering Fern.
- Fluellin.
- Fool's Stones.
- Fox-glove.
- Frankincense Tree.
- French Mercury.
- Frog Bit.
- Fumitory.
- Furze Bush.
- Galangal Plant.
- Garden Dock, called Monks' Rhubarb.
- Garden Rocket.
- Garden Scurvy Grass.
- Garden valerian.
- Garlic.
- Gentian.
- Germander.
- Ginger.
- Gladwyn.
- Glasswort.
- Goat's Beard.
- Goat's Rue.
- Goat's Thorn.
- Gold of Pleasure.
- Golden Lungwort.
- Golden Maidenhair.
- Golden Rod.
- Golden Stoechas.
- Good King Henry.
- Gourd.
- Gout Wort.
- Great Celandine.
- Great Houseleek.
- Great Water Dock.
- Great spurge.
- Green liverwort.
- Grey Ground Liverwort.
- Gromvel.
- Ground-Pine.
- Groundsel.
- Guaiacum Tree.
- Guinea Pepper.
- Gum Lac Tree.
- Hairy Tree Moss.
- Hare's Ears.
- Hare's Foot.
- Hart's Tongue.
- Hartwort.
- Hawthorn.
- Hedge Hyssop.
- Hedge Mustard.
- Hemlock.
- Hemp Agrimony.
- Hemp.
- Herb Mastic.
- Hermodactyl Plant.
- Hog's Fennel.
- Holloak.
- Honewort.
- Honey-Suckle.
- Honeywort.
- Hop Plant.
- Horse Radish.
- Horsetail.
- Hound's Tongue.
- Hyssop.
- Indian Spikenard.
- Ivy.
- Jacinth, or Hyacinth.
- Jack by the Hedge.
- Jalap Plant.
- Jessamine.
- Jesuit's Bark Tree.
- Jews Ears.
- Jujube Tree.
- Juniper Shrub.
- Kidney Wort.
- Knap-weed.
- Knot-grass.
- Ladies' Bedstraw.
- Ladies' Mantle.
- Larch Tree.
- Larks' Spur.
- Lavender Cotton.
- Lavender.
- Lead wort.
- Least Houseleek, or Wall Pepper.
- Leek.
- Lemon Tree.
- Lentil.
- Lettice.
- Lily of the Valley.
- Liquorice.
- Little Celandine.
- Little Centaury.
- Long Cyperus. Round Cyperus.
- Long Leaved Wild Mint.
- Lovage.
- Lupine.
- Mace.
- Macedonian Parsly.
- Madder.
- Male Fern.
- Mandrake.
- Marigold.
- Marsh Mallow.
- Masterwort.
- Maudlin.
- Meadow Saxifrage.
- Meadow Sweet.
- Melilot.
- Milk Thistle.
- Milkwort.
- Millet.
- Misletoe.
- Mithridate Mustard.
- Moonwort.
- Moss of an Human Skull.
- Mother of Thyme.
- Motherwort.
- Mouse-ear.
- Mugwort.
- Musk Mallow.
- Mustard.
- Nettle.
- Noble Liverwort, or Hepatica.
- Oak of Jerusalem.
- Orpine.
- Oxeye.
- Palma Christi.
- Panic.
- Pareira Brava.
- Parsly Piert.
- Parsly.
- Pellitory of Spain.
- Pellitory of the Wall.
- Penny-royal Calamint.
- Penny-royal.
- Peppermint.
- Periwinkle.
- Pimpernel.
- Piony.
- Pitch Tree.
- Plowman's Spikenard.
- Poleymountain.
- Polypody.
- Prickly Restharrow.
- Primrose.
- Privet.
- Purging Flax.
- Purple Loosestrife.
- Purslain.
- Ragwort.
- Red Behen.
- Red Darnell.
- Red Fir Tree, or Pitch Tree.
- Red Poppy.
- Red Sage.
- Rhapontic.
- Rhubarb.
- Rice.
- Roman Wormwood.
- Rosa Solis, or Sundew.
- Rose of Jericho.
- Rosemary.
- Round-rooted Birthwort.
- Rue-leaved Whitlow-Grass.
- Rue.
- Rupture-wort.
- Saffron.
- Sagapenum Plant.
- Sage of Vitue.
- Salep plant.
- Samphire.
- Sanicle.
- Savine.
- Scabious.
- Scammony Plant.
- Sciatica cress.
- Sea Colewort, or Sea Bindweed.
- Sea Scurvy Grass.
- Sea Wormwood.
- Self-heal.
- Sharp-pointed Dock.
- Shepherd's Purse.
- Skirret.
- Smallage.
- Sneezewort.
- Solomon's Seal.
- Sopewort.
- Sorrel.
- Southernwood.
- Sowthistle.
- Spear Mint.
- Speedwell.
- Spelt, or St. Peter's Corn.
- Spignel.
- Spinage.
- Spleenwort.
- Sponge.
- Spurge Laurel.
- Squill.
- St. Ignatius's Bean.
- St. John's Wort.
- Starwort.
- Staves-acre.
- Stinking Mayweed.
- Succory.
- Sumach.
- Summer Savory.
- Swallow-wort.
- Sweet Marjoram.
- Sweet Navew.
- Sweet flag.
- Syrian Mastic Thyme.
- Tamarisk.
- Tansy.
- Tarragon.
- Tea.
- Teazle.
- The Aloe Plant.
- The Ammoniacum Plant.
- The Asafoetida Plant.
- The Ash.
- The Balm of Gilead Shrub.
- The Balsam of Capivi-Tree.
- The Balsam of Peru-Tree.
- The Balsam of Tolu-Tree.
- The Barbery-Bush.
- The Bay Tree.
- The Bdellium Tree.
- The Bean.
- The Ben-Nut-tree.
- The Bengal Bean-Tree.
- The Benjamin Tree.
- The Billberry Bush.
- The Birch-Tree.
- The Black Cherry Tree.
- The Black Currant.
- The Black Poplar.
- The Box Tree.
- The Camphire-Tree.
- The Canel Bark-Tree, called the Winter's Bark-Tree.
- The Caper Shrub.
- The Caranna Tree.
- The Caraway Plant.
- The Cascarilla Tree.
- The Cassia Bark Tree.
- The Cassia Caryophythata, or Clove Bark Tree.
- The Cassia Fistula Tree.
- The Cassumunar Plant.
- The Chesnut Tree.
- The China-root Plant.
- The Chocolate Nut-tree.
- The Cinnamon Tree.
- The Cistus Shrub.
- The Citron Tree.
- The Citrull.
- The Clove Bark-Tree.
- The Clove July Flower.
- The Clove Spice Tree.
- The Coculus Indi Tree.
- The Codaga Shrub.
- The Coffee-Tree.
- The Colurine wood, or Snake-wood Tree.
- The Common Reed.
- The Contrayerva Plant.
- The Copal Tree.
- The Cornel Tree.
- The Costus Plant.
- The Cotton Thistle.
- The Cotton Tree.
- The Crab Tree.
- The Cubeb Plant.
- The Cucumber Plant.
- The Cypress Tree.
- The Damask Rose.
- The Date Tree.
- The Dog Rose, or Wild Rose.
- The Dragon's Blood Tree.
- The Euphorbium Plant.
- The Garden Cress.
- The Great Daisy.
- The Gum Anime Tree.
- The Hypocist.
- The Indian Leaf Tree.
- The Indian Myrobalan Tree.
- The Jamaica Pepper Tree.
- The Lesser Cardamom Plant.
- The Lime Tree.
- The Liquid Amber Tree.
- The Liquid Storax Tree.
- The Little Daisy.
- The Logwood Tree.
- The Long Pepper Plant.
- The Malacca Bean-Tree.
- The Manna Ash.
- The Mastic Tree.
- The Mechoacan Plant.
- The Medlar Tree.
- The Melon.
- The Mezereon Shrub.
- The Mulberry Tree.
- The Myrrh Tree.
- The Myrtle.
- The Nutmeg Tree.
- The Oak.
- The Oily Palm Tree.
- The Olive Tree.
- The Onion.
- The Opoponax Plant.
- The Orange Tree.
- The Pavana Shrub.
- The Peach Tree.
- The Pine Tree.
- The Pistachia Tree.
- The Pomegranate Tree.
- The Pompkin.
- The Quince Tree.
- The Radish.
- The Raspberry Bush.
- The Rattle-Snake Root Plant.
- The Red Rose.
- The Red Saunders Tree.
- The Right Service Tree.
- The Roman Nettle.
- The Rose-Wood Tree.
- The Sarsaparilla Plant.
- The Sassafras Tree.
- The Scarlet Oak.
- The Sebesten Tree.
- The Senega Tree.
- The Senna Shrub.
- The Sloe Tree.
- The Star Thistle.
- The Starry Headed Anise Tree.
- The Storax Tree.
- The Strawberry Plant.
- The Sugar Cane.
- The Tacamahac Tree.
- The Tamarind Tree.
- The True Maidenhair.
- The Turnip.
- The Turpentine Tree.
- The Vanilla Plant.
- The Vine.
- The Virginia Snakeroot Plant.
- The Vomic Nut Tree.
- The Walnut Tree.
- The West-India-Bean, or Cashew Nut-Tree.
- The White Poppy.
- The White Rose.
- The White Stock July Flower.
- The White Willow.
- The Wild Cucumber.
- The Wild Pine Tree.
- The Winter's Bark Tree.
- The Wormseed Plant.
- The Yellow and White Saunders Tree.
- The Zedoary Plant.
- The Zerumbeth Plant.
- The lesser spurge.
- Thorn Apple.
- Thoroughwax.
- Thyme.
- Toad Flax.
- Tobacco.
- Tormentil.
- Treacle Mustard.
- Treacle Wormseed.
- Tree Lungwort.
- Tree of Life.
- Trefoil.
- True Amomum.
- Turmeric.
- Turpeth.
- Tutsan.
- Twy Blade.
- Vervain Mallow.
- Vervain.
- Violet.
- Viper's Bugloss.
- Viper's Grass.
- Wall-Flower.
- Wart Cresses, or Swine's Cresses.
- Water Arrow Head.
- Water Cress.
- Water Lily.
- Water Mint.
- Water Plantain.
- White Behen.
- White Bryony.
- White Campion.
- White Dittany.
- White Horehound.
- White Lily.
- White Maidenhair.
- White Mullien.
- White Pepper.
- White Saxifrage.
- Wild Carrot.
- Wild Lettice.
- Wild Marjoram.
- Wild Navew.
- Wild Parsnep.
- Wild Tansy.
- Wild Valerian.
- Winter Cherry.
- Winter Green.
- Woad.
- Wood Betony.
- Wood Sage.
- Wood sorrel.
- Woodruffe.
- Yarrow.
- Yellow Loosestrife.