

A large plant, of the melon or cucumber kind, kept in gardens. The stalks are ten or twelve feet long, thick, angular, rough, and hairy, but unable to support themselves upright: they trail upon the ground or climb upon other things. The leaves are very large and broad, indented deeply, rough, of a blackish green, The flowers are large, and bell-fashioned, white and downy on the inside, and not altogether smooth on the outer surface.

The fruit is large, and has a hard, firm shell on the outside, and is fleshy and juicy within, with seeds in the manner of the melons; these are flat, of an oblong shape, and hard.

These seeds are the only part used: they are cooling and diuretic. They have this virtue in much the same degree with cucumber and melon seeds, and are given with them in emulsions.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.