Spear Mint.
Mentha vulgaris.
Also see: Spear Mint - Water mint - Peppermint - Long Leaved Wild Mint - Penny-royal
A common plant in our gardens, and of frequent use in the kitchen. It is two feet high, the stalks are sqare, single, upright, firm, and of a pale green. The leaves stand two at a joint; they are long, narrow, of a blackish green, serrated at the edges, and sharp-pointed. The flowers are small and purple; they stand in long spikes, in a beautiful manner, whole plant has a fragrant smell, and a pleasant aromatic taste.
The whole plant is used, fresh or dried, and is excellent against disorders of the stomach. It will stop vomiting, and create an appetite; it is best given in the simple distilled water, well made, or else in the form of tea. The fresh herb bruised, and applied outwardly to the stomach, will stop vomitings.