409. Cornus florida.—Dogwood.
409. CORNUS FLORIDA.—DOGWOOD. Cornus, N.F. The root-bark of Cor'nus flori'da Linné. Habitat: North America. Appears in pieces of various sizes, generally broken up and more or less curved; about 2 mm. (1/12 in.) in thickness when deprived of its brownish-gray cork, as it generally is, with a fawn-colored outer surface; inner surface red, due to the tannin contained, plainly radially striate; fracture short, whitish, showing numerous striae of brownish-yellow stone cells. Inodorous; taste astringent and bitter, the bitter principle being termed cornin. It yields a grayish powder, tinged with red. Tonic and astringent, and almost equal to cinchona as an antiperiodic in intermittent fevers. Dose: 10 to 30 gr. (0.6 to 2 Gm.). The barks of two other dogwoods, Cor'nus circina'ta (green osier bark or round-leaved dogwood bark) and Cor'nus serice'a, are often used.