Cornus florida

Cornus florida

Cornus florida L.
Engl.: American boxwood, flowering dogwood, American dogwood, bitter redberry, box tree, boxwood, cornel, dog-tree, dogwood, eastern dogwood, eastern flowering dogwood, flowering cornel, New England boxwood, Virginian dogwood, white dogwood.
Deu.: Amerikanischer Blumen-Hartriegel.
Fran.: cournouiller à fleurs.
Bot. syn.: Cynoxylon floridum (L.) Raf. ex B. D. Jackson.

Epilobium root and dogwood.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Use Epilobium root like dogwood?

Photo: Cornus florida 1.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Cornus florida 1.

Closeup of flowers. Japanese Garden, Seattle, WA, US. Planted. 1998-06-01.

Photo: Cornus florida 0.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Cornus florida.

White-flowering tree, large flowers. Japanese Garden, Seattle, WA, US. Planted. 1998-06-01.


Botanical name: 

Classic texts: Felter 1922.