Thomas, 1907: the Eclectic Practice of Medicine.

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Last updated 22Apr2011 - Have a comment? Tell me.

Introduction to the scanned version

Part I. Infectious Diseases.

Part II. Diseases of the Respiratory System.

I. Diseases of the Nose.

II. Diseases of the Larynx.

III. Diseases of the Bronchi.

IV. Diseases of the Lung.

V. Diseases of the Pleura.

Part III. Diseases of the Circulatory System.

I. Disease of the Pericardium.

II. Diseases of the Heart.

III. Chronic Valvular Diseases.

IV. Neuroses of the Heart.

V. Diseases of the Arteries.

Part IV. Diseases of the Digestive System.

I. Diseases of the Mouth.

II. Diseases of the Salivary Glands.

III. Diseases of the Pharynx.

IV. Diseases of the Tonsils.

V. Diseases of the Esophagus.

VI. Diseases of the Stomach.

VII. Diseases of the Intestines.

VIII. Diseases of the Liver.

IX. Diseases of the Spleen.

X. Diseases of the Pancreas.

XI. Diseases of the Peritoneum.

Part V - Diseases of the Urinary Tract.

I. Diseases of the Kidney.

II. Diseases of the Bladder.

Part VI - Constitutional Diseases.

Part VII - Diseases of the Blood and the Ductless Glands.

Part VIII - Diseases of the Nervous System.

I. Diseases of the Peripheral Nerves.

Diseases of the Cranial Nerves.

II. Diseases of the Spinal Cord.

III. Diseases of the Brain and its Meninges.

IV. Diseases of Unknown Pathology.

Part IX - Diseases of the Muscles.

Part X - The Intoxications: Sunstroke: Obesity.

Part XI - Animal Parasites.


The Eclectic Practice of Medicine, 1907, was written by Rolla L. Thomas, M. S., M. D.