You'll find a list of all my blog posts in the blog archive.


Licorice toothbrush.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Make your own toothbrush.

Tooth powder.

The bedstraws.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: ubiquitous herbs, but I only use two species.

Fly agaric.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: So fly agaric is bad for your health, if ingested.

Main site update

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Overnight infusion.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Nettle and red clover chais as overnight infusions.

Root parsley.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: I found root parsley in a large deli last week -- and bought lots, of course.

The cat herbs.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Valerian and catnip both have a reputation of driving cats wild.


Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Of catnip, lemon catnip and Caucasian catnip.

Nettle latte.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Now why didn't I think of that?

Hair-cap moss.

Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Want a really effective diuretic? Look at the green stuff under your feet.


Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.


Silly herb books

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Lemony teaherbs.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Of lemon balm and Moldavian dragonhead.


Blog categories: 
Botanical name: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Simmered sweetened adzuki beans.

Chronic gut upset.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Main site update.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Alnus cones vs. tormentil root.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Tormentil is strange, but so is alder.

Rose hip tea.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Rose hip tea is deep red and sour because of the roselle, not because of the rose hip.

Burdock root.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: No, you shouldn't dig second year burdock root in fall.

Epilobium root and dogwood.

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog: Use Epilobium root like dogwood?


Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Green living

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Easter egg colors?

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Anniversary year

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.

Happy New Year!

Blog categories: 

Henriette's herbal blog.


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